Targeted relief on aluminium and steel: Stability is still needed

OTTAWA, December 20, 2018 – The Canadian construction industry is encouraged by the Canadian government’s decision to provide relief on specific aluminum and steel products.

“Our industry has been hit hard over the last few months, and this relief will bring some much needed good news as we are working hard at building the infrastructure that Canadians need,” said Mary Van Buren, Canadian Construction Association (CCA) president.

“As welcome as these measures are, this relief is temporary, and the uncertainty will still affect competitiveness and business confidence in Canada. The industry and investors need stability of a permanent solution to the ongoing trade dispute to allow them to better plan for the future,” added Mary.

The CCA has long advocated for reciprocity and the establishment and maintenance of a free-flowing international system of trade, both regarding goods as well as services. CCA supports international free trade agreements, including provisions respecting government procurement.


Rodrigue Gilbert, Vice President, Public Affairs
[email protected]