Statement by the Canadian Construction Association on the speech from the throne

Throne Speech acknowledges critical role the Canadian construction industry will play in economic recovery from COVID-19 pandemic; sector cautions federal government not to compromise urgently needed infrastructure investment by entangling with unrelated policy goals

OTTAWA, September 24, 2020 – The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) was pleased to hear commitments by the federal government to invest in infrastructure and skilled training, secure jobs and support small and medium sized businesses.

The extension of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy until next summer and the expansion of liquidity supports such as the Canada Emergency Business Account and the Business Credit Availability Program will help small and medium-sized businesses in Canada’s construction sector contribute to employment, job creation and economic growth. Additional measures, including reskilling displaced workers and supporting education and accreditation, were also welcome announcements.

This week, the CCA launched our Talent Fits Here campaign. The construction industry is actively recruiting its next generation workforce and a significant opportunity is to attract under-represented segments, like women, Indigenous and new Canadians who can benefit from interesting, innovative and good paying jobs.

CCA also strongly supports the government’s objective to keep building stronger communities by investing in all types of infrastructure, including public transit, energy efficient retrofits, clean energy, rural broadband and water/irrigation infrastructure.

However, the government does not seem to have a clear plan on how these investments will be rolled out. Now is not the time to compromise urgently needed economic recovery by entangling infrastructure investment with unrelated policy goals, such as carbon initiatives and community benefits frameworks.

CCA members – 70 per cent of which are small and medium-sized, family-run businesses – have been asking for a clear, balanced, fair and flexible infrastructure stimulus plan. CCA has been pressing the federal government to remain focused on getting tenders out, reducing red tape, and working with all levels of government to continue supporting important infrastructure projects in all regions of Canada.

An investment in infrastructure is an investment in Canada and the communities Canadians live in. The Canadian construction industry stands committed, willing and able to partner with the Government of Canada to help our country re-build its economy and improve the quality of life of all Canadians.


Facebook: TalentFitsHereCanada
Instagram: @TalentFitsHere
YouTube: Talent Fits Here
Twitter: @ConstructionCAN
Linkedin: Canadian Construction Association—Association Canadienne de la Construction
YouTube: ConstructionCAN

Rodrigue Gilbert
Vice-President, Public Affairs
[email protected]