National Advisory Councils: advancing standard practices for CCA members

The Canadian Construction Association has five National Advisory Councils (NAC), created to deepen our engagement with partner associations, ensure representation of the membership across Canada, and to identify or provide feedback to the Board on emerging issues facing the construction industry. Learn more about how these councils are working for you.

Civil Infrastructure

The Civil Infrastructure Council is developing an information package to promote the value of the heavy and civil construction industry.

General Contractors

The General Contractors Council is contributing to a best practices paper on material/supply cost escalation inflation, a guide to help contractors recognize and address onerous clauses in contracts depending on which delivery model is being used, and an overview of current procurement models. A webinar is also being developed to supplement the paper on procurement models.

Local Construction Association

The Local Construction Association Council has been researching the immigration points system by province and how it fits with construction workforce needs. The working group’s next steps include determining actionable data to inform recommendations to all governments.

Manufacturers, Suppliers and Services (MS&S)

The MS&S Council is preparing a CCA guide on where to focus when reading a contract. The project’s working group is meeting regularly to reach consensus on content, focus, audience, delivery method, and ongoing information-sharing options. The council is also developing a webinar on the top five risk areas in projects and mitigation strategies.

Trade Contractors

The Trade Contractors Council is also contributing to a best practices paper on material/supply cost escalation inflation.

The next meeting of the NACs will be in Ottawa on November 14, 2022. If you wish to participate in these in-person meetings, please email [email protected].