CCA Welcomes the Announcement of a Federal Public Transit Fund in Budget 2015

OTTAWA, ON, Tuesday, April 21, 2015 – The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) applauds the announcement in today’s federal budget of additional funding for infrastructure. This new Public Transit Fund will provide Canadian cities with greater flexibility and predictability permitting them to move transit projects forward from concept to construction in a timely manner.

“Congestion in urban areas has become a significant problem in many of Canada’s largest cities,” said CCA president Michael Atkinson. “This new permanent funding source will provide municipalities with the funding certainty they need to proceed with long-term public transit planning.”

CCA was also pleased with the following announcements in today’s budget:

  • Creation of the new Canada 150 program that will support the development and reconstruction of existing cultural and shared heritage projects across Canada as part of the sesquicentennial celebrations;
  • Commitment to introduce accelerated capital cost allowance measures to support the construction of an LNG industry in Canada;
  • Reaffirmation of the government’s commitment to harmonize apprenticeship standards across provinces and territories; and
  • Commitment to reduce over four years to the small business tax rate 11 per cent to 9 per cent.


Kirsi O’Connor
Director, Marketing & Communications
613-236-9455 ext. 417
[email protected]